♥ Thursday, September 30, 2004
haix.. sho sad.. hmm.. mjl onli has 12 twelve episodes..
yet tis slow director took one yr to film it.. OMG~
i expected to be lyk at least 20plus to 30plus.. bloody hell?
smmore tis story has such weird ambience.. scary..~
nvm. nth i can do.. i can just wait for nightingale! yeah.. dadadada..~
haha.. solo drama hor.. mai siao siao..
but can still get to see the patient nn n shuwei lar..
extra=P haha..
yesterday's papers were not that diffi thou..
sci mcq quite easy compared to wad i expected..
f&n was much more easy dan mid yr.. phew..~
den watched new police story..
4*s/5*s.. haha.. v nice lar.. but definately not 5 stars lar..
nicholas.. suave hor.. veri comical also.. shuai bi le.. ^^
haha.. worth watching lar..
wah.. read that article bout toro commenting..
is realli touching.. haha.. they days they used to b..they 2 of dem..
ten minutes drive to each other..
but now its lyk.. so near yet so far..
but wad i dun lyk is toro sae y kunda choose e3 instead of him..
den sae he is those indecision kind.. so thats y know he chose e3..
but i dunch tink so lor.. tink kunda no brain arh.. he can tink one wad..
he can surely choose the side that he tinks is right..
but not becoz kd n toro long time fren so side him..
lyk that is damn unfair to e3 lor..
oOpx.. zhao shang bu ke yi shou ren.. wan shang bu ke yi shou gui...
i now sae toro. i just heard his advertisement outside in my tv one... =X
he's haunting me le lar.!=.=
haha.. gonna watch dou yu later.. but i have just too many tings to watch..!
how can i simply finish dem today?!
- got backstage interview of cma(2hrs),
- wo de chong hu lao gong(got shuwei)(1hr),
- tw vs china bball match(eg)(3hrs),
- dou yu(12 dics),
- mjl epi 12(2hrs),
- zong yi zhe ge li bai liu zui hao xiao(2hrs),
- shi quan shi mei concert(3hrs)...
omg! now list out is realli alot!
tink nid days bah. haha..
tink going out wit my mum later.. shopping postponed to today.. sho stupid..
den going for haircut tmr.. heeheez.. maybe will re-rebond. maybe onli..
hmm.. tmr going malaysia.. den come back..
sat going again.. sianz.. lyk mad.. phew..
tmr's gonna b the last paper.. chi..
den tink mon get back.. den i 1st to die liao..
better enjoy b4 i suffer.. hohoho..
eg going malaysia.. boo.. finally after one whole yr..
spore good lar.. tis yr eg come 5 times le.. we also busy 5 times le..
haha.. scary i go malaysia den i go see dem..! haha.. dreaming..
conclusion:\happy/sad\busy/ week!
haix. let me show u guys an article. encode to chi traditional.
hmm.. bout kd n toro. sad indeed.. read le dun cry. [only applies to peepz who luv eg]
realli hope that day whereby kd n toro comes together again. and slack.
【大成報 記者 陸亦華/報導】
貼身探訪 TORO/坤達 10分遙遠?
單飛事件友情破裂 嬉鬧笑容不再 同遊淡水成追憶
經常見面打屁。 TORO向來心直口快,沒什麼心機,不經意的講出這些後,
難道我跟他多年交情,還抵不過其他人嗎? 畢竟TORO非常了解
能怪他啦! 難道多年的友誼就這麼結束嗎?值得嗎?
93 / 9 / 29 大成報A9版
♥ Monday, September 27, 2004
look at the wae it work.. woohoo..~~~~~
finally.. blogging..
my blog realli sucks.. wanna change my blogskin le..
hmm.. passed my maths.. but well its a JUST passed.
but.. mind you.. i PASSED! unbelievable hor?
haha.. i myself also cnt believe it..
but good lar.. but must realli buck up for tmr's maths paper 2..
hmm.. tink e rest of my subs cmi liao..
* energy bless*
hmm.. worried for my hm ec project..
gonna go shopping spree tmr instead of today.. boo..
my mum's working larz.. but tmr got hm ec to revise wor..
so tink studying today instead of tmr..
hmm.. poa mcq=buang..~ gone case..
tink use dice den throw can liao.. di gum.
maths paper 2 tink later practice abit here and there.
sianz.. caught flu today.. stupid..
cause me to feel uncomfortable during exam..
sharks. so hot n tense during exam..
dunno how to install more fans?
buay zhi dong lor.. su*ky..boo..
sianz.. i really wonder why DID i have such a fren..
see properly hor.. let me enlarge it..
its DID.. which means. she's NOT my fren now.
she's a flirt.. pardon me. but its 100% pure true fact.
there's nth more for me to say. all da fugly best(FULLSTOP[.])
i'm damn afraid of my results.. help pls?!
woo.. kunda's getting weirder each day..
let me name a sentence he said.
the 呀呼~~~ bhind is the main point.. lolx. dun tink u guys uds wad i say.
unless u all watch zong yi ze ge li bai zui hao xiao.
tink mayb melvin uds.
i wan to watch xin jing cha gu shi..
got nicholas tse~ my used to b idol..!
haha.. cf.. pengz..
sianz lar.
misses eg.
misses kunda.
misses the way we chase eg.
misses the way we luffed on the cab.
misses the way we talk to eg.
misses the dangerous way we chased.
misses everyting bout eg~
come back eg.. come back kd.................................. cf... =.=
enough of nonsense said. boo~
counting down to the no. of days my prelim ends-4days~
♥ Tuesday, September 21, 2004
k.. voted most cute photo of mr hsieh kd..

woohoo.. kunda hiding beside jerry again.. jolin v extra.. wear jeans play bball? bleahx~ ella badana lyk nn one.. lolx

wah.. kunda n jerry on v good terms wor.. together luff at hei ren.. hmm.. jay.. learn more from kd.. =X

see.. another shuai energy.. but that niunai is realli getting gay-er each day.. now sticking to shuwei.. pls HALT!

got see S.H.E anot? Hebe(niunai), Selina(kunda) and Ella.. haha.. correct sequence in zongyizegelibailiuzuihaoxiao.. btw.. niunai is standing lyk a girl..

love kunda here! haha.. looking at camera! so cute! indeed a pure cutie..~

♥ Sunday, September 19, 2004
darn.. its hard to get facts into ur head..
especially ss.. bloody.. boo..~
saw toro on that stupid weird show.. he's cute, tanned + talkative..
saw nan quan mama on tv.. yu hao v cute wor.. =P
realli got that innocent n toot toot look.. pengz..
studied two whole days for ss.. gonna strive as far as possible..
den can watch energy show le! 2 more % to go! thats it.! my break time!
no time to blog tis few following days i guess.. prelims here~
start it well finish it well.. den rest abit.. den o's le..
den after o's SEE ENERGY! =x i'm looking forward.. jw n hy too right?
haha.. oh yah.. jingqi thanks for wishing my gd luck.. you too for ya a's.. =)
♥ Wednesday, September 15, 2004
it has been a long tiring n tedious day for me in skool..
blogger's giving me probs at home..
i can't blog as usual at home!
i'm in school now.. but school can..
♥ Tuesday, September 14, 2004
hmmm... my mum got me a k700i..
great phone wit kunda all inside it.. haha..
nicey rite? a lil' bulky..
next time can show kunda the pics i took inside..
haha.. den muz get that white bear den hang n show him..
LoLx.. kd so act cute.. so old liao..
guy smmore put one bear there..
if is niunai put still got reason.. cause he gay gay mahz..
kunda so man. Y lyk tt?!
and that stupid xiao zhu kissed kd.. hey..
he's onli acting as selina.. not realli selina.. WAKE UP LEH! irk..
oh yah.. found out kunda actualli drew 3 hearts for me on my album..
JINGWEN! see how much kunda dotes on me.. Lolx! jkjk..
jingwen... ask ahdi draw 4 hearts for u!
if can i chop of my head for u..
rushing hm ec now.. dun wanna wait till last minute..
prelims embarking soon.. or shld i say round da corner..? same lar..
shall finish typing my last recipe n i'm left wit my evaluation..
gonna end wit 36 pages..
tink just nice lor.. coz yo said 30-35..
i 36.. good liao wad.. or mayb i'll have more..
but dun wish to... coz too much le..
kd.. wish me best of luck for prelims bah.. =D
kunda's bear! i'm gonna get tis bear wit hy! spore bear spree!

hahaha... most power trip tis time..
enjoyed maself da most wit kd.
lolx. lets recall da incidents.
9th sept...
reach airport at 11+.. arnd their arrival time..
den waited for dem.. they were as slow as they normally were..
tink 45 mins after their landing time den they came out..
dunno wad they doing inside also..
tink bcoz got fir, xiao gang n machi lor.. so slower..
den lotsa guards.. dunno so many for wad..
den they came out sequence = ahdi, shuwei, kunda, xiao gang, nn..
if i nv remember wrongly shld b lyk that lar.. i got short term memory one..
den dat stupid xiao gang so extra.. hai wo yi wei he is nn... lolx.
although big diff..
den energy will chaffeur by tis lousy driver.. super ultra slow pok one..
tink got 20+ maxis chasing..
den stop chasing at ps. go dere for lunch n stuffs..
nvm.. den my card let jingwen used.. so she went in.. we all outside..
den went roadshow at suntec.. saw niven.. bleahx..
den me n jw hide.. lolx..
den chatted wit ah qing.. tis "well mannered" jw exclaimed smting lyk this
omg.. i'm stunned + ps..
ah ching was stunned too.. nth to sae..
den when eg came.. we take photos lar.. lotsa of stuffs..
since they stood infront of us for so damn long..
den ask ryan he from where.. he reply wit a stupid ans..
ppl wit me shld know..
the first day nth much. i also cnt realli remember liao.. lolx..
10th sept...
nv chase..
onli went red carpet n jqj..
hmm.. red carpet.. lotsa of stars..
hebe = chio! lolx
kunda = cute! lolx..
shuwei = Rawks!
lolx.. the rest no comments..
oh yah.. niunai's lion liked hairdo deserves no credit..
muz b tt stupid ryan's fault..
den watched jqj onli till the v last part..
nv finish it..
coz rushing hm.. v late le.. took cab smmore.. $8.20 leh..
/me poor girl..
spend so much $$ on eg.. still on cab.. lolx..
11th sept..
hmm.. morning went autograph session..
tink 7+ woke up le..
den reach bishan arnd 9+..
just nice they shifting e queue..
den chop in wit belle n chantel they all..
den did all the sticking names stuffs at the queue lar..
stupid squeezy queue..
den when eg came it was lyk they were late again?
for bout 45 mins also i guess? haha..
den sang hey you n yzdzh..
yzdzh smmore halfwae no music.. lousy right..
but ahdi live rawks.. he was calm enough to carry on with his best voice..
den when going up.. ask ahdi bout his back..
den tis stupid DZY!
idiot.. huiyi shld knoe.. wad he stop us frm doing to kd.. haix.. =(
den went straight to shuwei.. ask him so personal questions..
den nv talk to nn.. everytime also lyk that.. haha..
den went to grab some snacks..
den chase.. smmore pouring lor..
den they went merlion! rawks.. my pics rawks too.. dujia! lolx.
shall post when i'm free..
kd super ultra cute.. i was using my cam to shoot xkd.
den he stare hard at me.. den started to search for his hp right at his butt.
den he took out.. den he said smting lyk.. "NI PAI WO?"
which means.. u take me.. i take u back den u know..
lolx.. cute right.. good good.. rawks.. haha..
den ask niunai where is shuwei.. lolx..
tink shuwei's sick? hmm..
ahdi's mood damn good that day.. BEST!
love him.. v high him dat day.. he talk super cute one..
at wcg nth much. becoz kd lar.. hy shld know also.
he disappoint us.. haix..
den after wcg they went back hotel..
den halted. den waiting for dem to go da next big thing..
dey v slow lor..
den when their van came out..
we saw niunai n shuwei's curtain opened.
den shuwei waving to us.. den niunai bian zui..
omg..got reasons one.. bout chantel.. secret between our cab peepz..
den nn treat us v good.. after da next big ting also shook hands wit us..
den stupid lor. the next big thing onli go sing one song.
den 5 mins turned back to hotel. attach hair just for taht 5 mins..
den i waited till 10.30pm. den i nv chase le. luckily.. phew..
cause they didn't manage to see dem after that..
12th sept...
they going back..
sleeping soundly at home.. haha..
den saw jingwen's sms.. haha..
luckily nv go.
they also nv manage to see dem.. phew~~~X3
i'm now waiting happily for their next trip..
heard from hy its gonna b in dec or nov? can't remember..
but better b after o's..
den i'll b FREE! chase den lyk mad..
Kunda forever..! eg forever!
niunai.. posing for me huh? ok lar! here u are! *snapped*

niunai please dun target my xkd.. =D

ahdi's best look look so mature n cute wit that ice-cream cone.. haha..

♥ Friday, September 10, 2004
crazy fan chen jingwen. =X

♥ Thursday, September 09, 2004
lao shi wit faye..

gu tu de nan ren.. HU YAN BING~ lolx.. keep um chio-ing.. madness..

hohoho.. shuwei look-alike.. lOlx.. shuwei more handsome to b exact.. anywae he's ah ching..from fir.. the guy who chatted wit us just nw.. amiable..

Security..? hmm.. i dun find them giving us any secure.. onli jokes perhaps..

i love tis scene.. lotsa of maxis.. BUT! we cnt chase near lor. the uncle today s**ks.. realli lorz.. driving gt no skill one.. tink got 20+ maxis today... smmore eg staying ritz carlton.. stupid.. 6*s i tink.. so gd wor.. but we no good to chase wor.. =X

♥ Wednesday, September 08, 2004
.. going to queue lata..
waiting from huiyi.. tink she v slow.. =X
haha.. i rofl liao.. see wanni's blog..
all bout g*y one.. haha.. =X
yeah.. i'm watching chinesemusicawards!
finally.. haha..actualli yesterday midnight i watched energy's part le..
omg.. energy can shake v well in ra-men song..
ahdi surprised me..! he shook the sexiest.. lolx.
kunda shook damn cute.. toot toot one.. lOlx!..
TWINS rawks.. gillian v pretty.. their live rawks 2..
♥ Tuesday, September 07, 2004
標 題:我是書偉
發 表 人:書偉(keigo1104)
發表時間:2004/09/06 01:44:53
y he got so typo errors.. bu kui si zhang shuwei..
wah.. our gay-ish niunai know how to cut songs wor.. mai siaosiao..
conclusion: eg dunno how to choose attire for impt events.
they wear until so ahem. dun believe can check the entry on sept 5.
the white attire. especially shuwei.. lyk gal gal..
tw so good.. can have gathering wit eg.. den bbq for dem to eat..
wad i dun lyk is.. y they muz bbq for eg.. ask eg bbq for dem lar.. dumb..
shuwei mood so good.. muz b kiki kiss him lar.. =DDD
i've not realli started my revision for prelims yet.. yAwnz..
no mood too.. onli managed to start about a few pages for humans?
den slacked the whole day..
i'm looking forward to my dling finish of chinese music awards..
seems interesting..wanna see eg dance ra-men..
guess i'm gonna strive for today.. just today..? haha.. god knoes..
from wed onwards i'm gonna b busy busy busy..
- busy queueing..
- busy seeing eg..
- busy following kd..
- busy studying at da same time..
lets see how tis clumsy agnes cope..
dunno why suddenly my whole mind is full of shuwei.. ~.~?
haha.. no lar no lar.. suddenly felt that he is super cute..
wit that small eyes mi together when luffing.. hee..
watched shi zhi lu kou yest.. wah.. chn u cut alot away?!
lucky i watched the tw version one month again.. phew~
so much of da hilarious n amusing parts were cut away..
the most interesting "mv" also gone..
i felt sympathetic for those who watched onli yest.
gonna strive of humans todayyyy....~~~
hope i can finish..=D
Counting down to eg's arrival..2days
♥ Sunday, September 05, 2004
huaien..! =.=

does tis look lyk i snapped personally?

see how gay niunai is.. haha.. jk lar.. but shuwei is wearing skirt wor.. niunai wasn't.. it was baggy pants only.. =)

♥ Saturday, September 04, 2004
energy is a chang qing tuan ti.. lolx..
it means 常親團體...
which means.. a band which kisses among themselves veri often..
gross.. kunda sae one..
during 02/09 enews.. on niunai's bday..
haha.. i kinda of agree wit wanni..
niunai? gay? this two words kinda of associate.. =.="
haha.. that time we heard from uncle lewis that yellow n niunai
bo each other's fringe.. realli gross...
den now during that episode..
shuwei kissed him twice.. =.=
but niunai seemed to b enjoying it..
haix.. kinda of proven..
kunda do thai massage for him.. he sae he prefer shuwei one..
kns right.. gay bias-ism..
crew even brought xiao zhu n zaizai(niunai's dogs) to the pai xi xian chang..
den they call him nai ge.. he sae cnt.. he is nai di.. lolx..
starting they lied to him that they dun have much celebration for him..
but in end lucky he still ended up grinning from ear to ear..
haha.. in end niunai is finally satisfied..
haha. anywae happy belated birthday to nai di... (=
conference wit mel, ben, jy n sm till 3am..
skipped school yestaday..
guess i'm right to skip? nv skip also no jing sheng..
i rather zZz den attend to that stupid course in school..
bleahx.. =.^..
den went movie wit my gals..
watch anacondas.. haha.. exciting show.. indeed..
lotsa of scary scenes.. haha..
den went for my appointment..
den meet them again..
den at 9+.. went for dinner..
at commonwealth market..
den reach home bout at ten plus..
wrote letter for kunda n shuwei le..
nv do any hmwk yesterday.. =P
gonna do more today..
haha.. if no time i'll just make do wit kd n sw's letter..
anywae also dunno can pass dao ma..
tink gx queued form last wed.. wah..
tink we'll only start tis wed.. haha..
tink lotsa of peepz queueing earlier..
coz got free poster mah.. eg fans are lyk tis..
counting down 5 days to seeing energy.. =.*
♥ Thursday, September 02, 2004
anyting i've said to cause any misunderstanding..
apologetic is da word..?
i shan't mention about it anymore...
went tbp wit my gals earlier on.. isolate is da word.. =X
ate long john silver..
got back my maths mock exam.. =.=~ lousy results..
did physics mock too.. so difficult.. sianz diao..
lotsa holidae assignments.. gotta rush finish b4 eg comes..
buying sw's gongzai soon...
found out hakim's my loyal reader? hahaha.. *applause*
no mood to blog now
well bcoz i saw smting unpleasant.. haix..